May 23Liked by Mackenzie Rivers

Five hundred years from now and you may dream of burros and rivers and desert scenes. and fragments of this dream within a dream.

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that is a beautiful thought~poem Michael, and beautifully written. thank you.

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May 23Liked by Mackenzie Rivers

I’ve been yearning for a river story and wondering if you’re ok. (I hope you are, despite the longing I sensed while reading this pice again and again.

SO worth the wait. Your sense of place. And people, critters and all that really matters when we can hear ourselves think.

Your descriptions of landscapes - water, rock, sky - take me back to my own memories on a different river.

This piece feeds my writer’s soul as much as it soothes my wanderer’s heart.

Your depiction of birds swirling and climbing a solar ray into the night sky played like a movie clip in my mind’s eye. No soundtrack needed.

Thanks again for the gift of your well-crafted memories. And for resurrecting scenes, scents - and the sense of solace - that only the wild outside can create.


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It’s kind of you to wonder, Retta, and yes, I am well, and I love knowing we are kindred spirits yearning for a river story. It is an interesting reckoning to balance loving and longing for a past chapter while loving the present one. Maybe it’s why we write.

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May 23Liked by Mackenzie Rivers

Mackenzie, thank you for taking us through a journey of your insides. You encourage me to share more openly and live into my true self as often as possible. This piece evokes stream of consciousness with the meaningful parts highlighted! Gratitude

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grateful to have you here reading, and sharing my memory adventures Oteka!

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